“Office” Actor Craig Phillip Robinson Faces Drug Charges

L.A. prosecutors have filed felony drug charges against Craig Phillip Robinson, an actor known for his role on NBC’s show “The Office.” Robinson was arrested on June 29, 2008 on suspicion of possessing MDMA, more commonly known as ecstasy, and methamphetamine. Los Angeles County prosecutors have charges Mr. Robinson with two felony counts of drug possession and one count of being under the influence of illegal drugs.

The 38 year old actor is due to appear in Court on August 21. Robinson portrays Daryl Philbin, a warehouse foreman on “The Office.” Recently, he appeared in the comedy film “Pineapple Express.”

If you are facing drug possession charges in Westchester County, or any other crime, contact The Law Office Of Mark A. Siesel online or at (914) 428-7386 for a free consultation with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney who will fight for you and provide the best defense possible.